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Q: Why do deaf people use classifiers?
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Do deaf people use the braille glove?

Blind people use Braille, deaf people are not visually impaired

How do you tell if someone is deaf?

Deaf people communicate very well with each other through their natural visual language, called sign language. It is a rich combination of gesture, mime, manual gestures, signs, classifiers, fingerspelling, and lexicalized fingerspelling. If you equate spoken language with 2-D, then Deaf people that use a native language like ASL are talking to each other in 3-D. It is a very expressive and dynamic language that is a lot of fun to learn, and even more fun to share with a Deaf friend.

What does deaf mean?

Deaf is a word use for people that can not hear. Also many people may be partially deaf, which means they can hear some sounds but not clearly.

Why do people use sign language?

People use sign language as a means of communication when they are deaf or hard of hearing. It allows them to express themselves and communicate with others through hand gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Additionally, sign language is also used by people who are non-verbal or have other communication challenges.

Deaf people who speak sign language typically?

use their hands, facial expressions, and body language to communicate in sign language. They may also rely on other visual cues, such as lip-reading and gestures, to enhance their communication. It is important to remember that sign language is a fully developed language with its own grammar and syntax.

What are problems deaf people have?

Deaf people cannot hear because they were born with the disability or they became deaf when growing up such as listning to loud music all the time ect.

Who are the members of deaf community?

People who have to use or have something to do with sign language.

What can deaf people do?

To Sign Language with deaf people

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Is sign language the best thing for deaf people to use?

Every person's situation is different, but sign language is one of the best options for deaf people to connect with other people.

Why do deaf people sign if they can speak vocally?

Being able to speak vocally works OK when a deaf person is speaking TO a hearing person but when both people are deaf neither can hear what the other person is saying. Signing therefore enables communication between deaf people and would be a better way for a hearing person to say something TO a deaf person. If you can hear why don't you learn how to sign!

What is are in a sign language?

sign language is the way deaf people talk but not with their mouth they use their hands to talk you can talk to deaf people by using sign language