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If some one were to drive a drill into your mouth, rip out a tooth, cut your mouth with a scalpel and in general muck about with pointy and painful things, not only will this hurt like God has forsaken you but while you are in pain you may thrash about and make it difficult for them to work and possibly do serious damage to your health, by the same token you might freak out from shock and harm the dentists, and if you go into shock it is quite possible to die from it.

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Q: Why do dentists use anaesthetic and sedation during hospital procedures?
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Can endoscopy be performed general anaesthetic?

Yes, you have three options. General anaesthetic, conscious sedation or no-sedation at all. I'd recommend General Anaesthetic.

Is vaser liposuction an outpatient procedure?

Vaser liposuction is an outpatient procedure. You are still put to sleep while the process is going on and you must wear the girdle afterwards, but you can go home the same day as long as there are no complications. In the United Kingdom most vaser liposuction procedures are performed under local anaesthetic and sedation. It is important that you consult an experienced Vaser liposuction Doctor. Doctors undertaking Vaser have to undergo special training on the machine prior to accepting Patients. If you request a general anaesthetic then this maybe an option but expect to pay more for this as the hospital costs are increased when you stay overnight in hospital. The concept of vaser liposuction is that the procedure is gentler on tissues than traditional liposuction, so most Patients tend to tolerate the procedure well under local anaesthetic and sedation.

How much is it to get otoplasty?

Typically otoplasty costs around £ 2000 in the United Kingdom. This assumes that it is performed under local anaesthetic and sedation. In such circumstances you are usually allowed home on the same day. This means that the hospitals costs are reduced and the savings can be passed on to you. If you elect to have a general anaesthetic then your Plastic Surgeon may request that you stay overnight in hospital for observation. In these cases the cost can be anything from £ 2500 to £ 3000, depending on the hospital and Surgeon.

What is the purpose of a sedation dentist?

Sedation dentistry is vastly important when dental procedures are required for patients who are fearful of the dentist. The sedation dentist uses a variety of sedatives to relax the patient prior to the procedure.

What anaesthetic for inguinal hernia?

Small hernias can be repaired under a local anaesthetic as a day case. Laparoscopic hernia repairs will be done under a General anesthetic. Unfit patients can be considered for repair under a regional anaesthesia combined with some sedation.

What preparations are associated with sedation?

Usually procedures for conscious sedation do not require preoperative or pre-testing orders. Clinical situations for unconscious sedation typically involve eating and drinking protocols starting the day before the procedure.

Can dental fillings and root canals be done under sedation?

Of course! a lot of dentists have now introduce several sedation methods on their dental offices to help patients who have fear and anxiety having any kind of procedure done.

Where can one find a painless Dentist?

Numerous dentists advertise they offer painless service. These tend to fall into one of two camps: those that attempt to minimize paid without sedation and those that rely on mild of heavy sedation for even the most basic of activities.

What thread is used in surgery?

Sometimes referred to as the 'non-surgical facelift', Thread Lift is a minimally-invasive treatment that lifts sagging or ageing areas of the face without the need for sedation or a hospital stay. It is performed under local anaesthetic and takes as little as 30 minutes, with patients able to walk-out and return home a short while after.

Are you at risk if you don't tell your dentist you are prescribed Oxycontin 20mg before he puts you under an iv sedation?

Doctors and dentists should always know what medication you are on, no matter what it's for.

Why do prices vary so widely for cosmetic surgery procedures?

Different procedures require different skills. Some need sedation and cutting while some may only need a needle.

Why does the oral maxillofacial surgeon make more money than other dental specialties?

Oral surgeons generally make more money than other dental specialties because they frequently perform procedures that are covered by the patient's medical insurance, and these procedures often have much higher fees. For instance, oral surgeons repair facial fractures in a hospital with the patient under general anesthesia. The cost can run into several thousands of dollars. Medical insurance often covers the majority of these costs. Also, oral surgeons are called on to perform difficult tooth extractions that other dentists are not trained to perform. These procedures are paid for by dental insurance at much higher levels than simpler extractions. Oral surgeons are also trained in the use of various anesthetics to achieve sedation in the dental office. Most other dentists do not require these methods, and therefore they do not charge for these services as does the oral surgeon.