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Depending on the minerals in their composition, some rocks are harder than others. Rocks that contain minerals with higher ratings on the Mohs scale are harder, and would erode more slowly than other rocks.

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Geoffrey Huels

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2y ago
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Q: Why do different rocks weather at different rates?
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Do all rocks weather the same way?

Erosion rates depend on the composition of the rocks and how they are attacked by the environment.Different kinds of rocks have different composition and will erode at different rates.Rocks in different places will be affected differently by wind, water, ice, rain, pollutants, etc. and so they will erode at different rates.

Why did the engineers not consider the weathering rates of different rocks when they were building St Paul's Cathedral?

because they didn't now why the weather would affect the rocks. and they didn't now about this at the time

What are the different rates at which rocks cool?

Rocks cool at different rates due to how they were formed if they were formed intrusively or extrusively Examples of different igneous rocks that form differently is Granite and Gabbro form the same but different from Rhyolite.

Why does the weathering of rocks occur at various rates?

Because of different heights & positions, environments, situations & conditions, angles directions velocities etc of the weather/etc, the seeming randomness of weather & activity in space affecting the weather, etc.

Do different types of rocks erode at different rates?

depends on conditions and type of rock

Do the rocks around coasts erodes at the same rate?

Erosion rates depend on the composition of the rocks and how they are attacked by the environment.Different kinds of rocks have different composition and will erode at different rates.Rocks in different places will be affected differently by wind, water, ice, rain, pollutants, etc. and so they will erode at different rates.

What is the main factor that causes the bedrock to weather at different rates?

mineral composition :)

Where rocks on opposite sides of a fault move in different or in the same direction at different rates?

strike slip fault

Where rocks on a opposite side of a fault move in opposite directions at different rates?

Strike slip fault

Why do rocks erode at different rates?

Some rocks are harder than others like sandstone which is very soft. Other times rock can have different conditions under which they will erode faster such as limestone.

What kind of weather can break up rocks?

All weather can and will break up rocks.

How do Meerkats use rocks?

To stand on as a viewing point and to burrow beneath. Rocks will store give off heat at different rates than surface or burrow. SIMPLES.