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Q: Why do different wavelengths refract differently when entering glass?
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Do all colors refract at the same angle when entering a medium?

No, the fact of the rainbow demonstrates that the different wavelengths refract at different angles. If they didn't then the rainbow would be all one colour.

The termrefraction means what in terms rainbows?

Water droplets refract different wavelengths of visible light differently. Blue wavelengths are less "bent" than red wavelengths, so the blue portion of the rainbow is towards the inside edge of the rainbow.

Why does the light refract inside a prism?

because light have different wavelengths .

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Passing light through a prism does what?

The different wavelengths of light refract(blue the most and red the least)

What separates white light into it various colors?

White light appears white because it is a conglomeration of all the different wavelengths of light. A prism will separate the different wavelengths because they refract (or bend) at different angles through the prism.

Why would a chip in a glass block cause light to refract differently?

It would cause light to refract differently because the angle at which the light hits the glass block would alter and there for the way the light refracts would also alter.

Is earth the only planet with 3 colors?

No. Any object can be classified into three "colors". All objects reflect or refract or diffract various wavelengths of light in various amounts and so have different "colors"

How do raindrops produce a spectrum?

Rain droplets can refract light. Different colours refract in different amounts so a spectrum is produced.

What happens when sound reflects and refract?

In that case, it will change direction - move differently than just in a straight line.

Why does a prism refract white light to several different colors?

Light refracts at different amounts due to the refractive index of the glass surface which effects each frequency differently. White light is a combination of all visible colors combined together.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word refraction?

To refract is when a wave bends because it passes from one material into another. Here are some sentences.Rainbows are made when light refracts through raindrops.Your straw seems to bend in your glass because the light refracts.Sound will refract when it moves from air into solid matter.