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Because they are addicted, and can't stop. If they have taken it even just a few times before then they can become seriously addicted, and it could kill them if they just.. stopped.

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Q: Why do drug abusers do drugs if they know its bad for them?
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How much of an impact were drugs on Jazz?

Many Jazz musicianists have been proven to be drug abusers. In fact, approximately 3.7 million Jazz musicianists were drug abusers. Even though taking drugs is very bad, the Jazz musicianists used them for selfish causes or in their eyes good causes. The good causes they used them for was to be millionaires by getting their ideas from drugs. They used drugs in order to gain better ideas on what their songs should be based on, it also allowed them to clear their minds out in order to gain new perspectives.

Are some drugs bad for you?

Anything you put into your body can be bad for you. Even "good" medications can have side effects. "Bad drugs", now called street drugs, are ones that are not controlled for ingredients like "good" medications are. "Bad drugs" are known to cause specific and severe problems, such as hallucinations, drug cravings, and addictions. A "good" drug may also cause these, but because the ingredients are standardized, doctors know better how to treat potential bad effects. A "good" drug may cause unexpected allergic reaction which doctors know how to treat, but doctors cannot predict which "bad" drug could result in a deadly allergic reaction when the ingredients are unknown, amounts of ingredients unknown, etc. Basically, before taking any "drug", you must know what it is, the ingredients in it and how much, what the drug will do, the potential side effects, etc. Since these are UNknown for all street drugs, ALL street drugs should be considered "bad for you"--period. If your doctor didn't prescribe it and if it is not bought in a pharmacy, don't take it.

Do drug turn you into emo?

No, using drugs does not turn someone into an emo person. Emo is a subculture or style of music characterized by its emotional lyrical content and fashion. Drug use can affect mood and behavior, but it does not determine a person's identity or cultural affiliation.

What other drug interact with nabumetone?

is there any drugs I take this would be bad to mix with this drug

What are a parents legal obligation to a 17 yr old that is engaging in drug use?

arrest them they didnt even know if the 17 year old did drugs or if they did know still arrest them there are bad people they let there kid have drugs

Reasons to just say no drug?

1. Drugs are bad, mkkay?

Why are drugs bad for sport?

It depends if it is a legal or an illegal drug. Illegal drugs such as heroine, drugs that hallucinate you are bad for sports. Steroids counts as cheating, and could mean a disqualification.

How does narcotic drug affect the community?

Drugs make you an addict. So you see children, drugs are bad, mmmkay?

Which drugs are bad for you?

Some drugs are bad for everyone. Other drugs may be bad for some but not everyone. Therefore you should only take the drugs that your doctor prescribes.

How are drug bad for your body?

Drugs are bad for your body, because they can burn your tissue. They can also alter your bodies function.

Why drug bad?

Drugs can be harmful because they can lead to addiction, health problems, and negative impacts on a person's social, emotional, and mental well-being. They can also impair judgment and decision-making, leading to risky behaviors that can cause harm to oneself and others.

What is the baddest drug?

All drugs are bad for you no matter what people say, but heroin is the baddest.