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Q: Why do drum fish have a rock in there head?
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What do the rocks in a drum fish's head look like?

they look like a white rock, a rough pearl looking rock.

Is rock head fish an edible fish?

Yes it is edible

What is the drum head called?

The technical term for the head of a drum IS drum head. If there is another term i do not know it.

Are drum fish saltwater or freshwater fish?

There are freshwater drum, and saltwater drum species.

Where do drum fish live?

drum fish live in the alantic ocean and in the gulf of mexio

What's the best rock band drum kit for the Xbox?

Ion Audio Drum Rocker Rock Band Drum Set.

What is the name of the top bit of the drum?

the head If you mean a drummers drumstick it is called the tip.

What are the rocks inside a sheepshead fish's head?

The "rocks" in a drum fish head are a sort of over developed hearing aid. They are called otoliths, and are actually a bone formation, and are similar to the inside of oyster shells or freshwater muscles. Both freshwater and saltwater varieties of the drum have these, and were used in olden times as jewelry or good luck charms.

What vibrates to make sound on a drum?

The head of the drum vibrates. If you get some dry rice grains and put them on the drum head, they will move around.

What are the different parts of a drum?

An acoustic drum comprises of:Top head (Batter head)HoopTension rodLugShellVentBottom head (Resonant head)Bottom hoopThe additional parts of a snare drum are:SnaresSnare strainerSnare hoop


Red Drum Fish are a protected game fish, but are still legally caught and eaten by fishermen.

What is a drum rim?

It is the metal part around the outside of the drum that is around the drum head.