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Aging sometimes causes degenerative failure of the organs of balance, or of the nerve signals in the brain, and can also make leg muscles weaker. Problems with the inner ear can cause the muscles to "overcorrect" and cause a swaying problem. Problems with the leg muscles can mean that they are tensing to compensate for lack of normal muscle tone, which ordinarily makes these constant small corrections imperceptible.

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2d ago

Rocking back and forth can be a soothing and comforting behavior for elderly people. It can help reduce anxiety, provide a sense of rhythm and control, and may also help with balance and mobility. It can be a self-soothing technique for managing stress or agitation.

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Are short people better than tall people?

Height does not determine a person's worth or abilities. Both short and tall people have their own unique strengths and qualities, and it is important to appreciate and respect individuals for who they are rather than their height. Height is just one aspect of a person's physical appearance and should not be used to make value judgments.

Explain the concept of relative age?

Relative age refers to determining the age of a rock layer or fossil relative to another by examining their position in the rock record. This method does not provide an exact numerical age, but it helps in establishing the sequence of events and determining which layer is older or younger. Relative age dating relies on principles like superposition, cross-cutting relationships, and the law of faunal succession.

What causes anxiety in people of old age?

Anxiety in older adults can be caused by various factors such as health issues, chronic pain, cognitive decline, social isolation, loss of independence, financial concerns, and fears about the future. Additionally, past experiences, personality traits, and genetics can also play a role in the development of anxiety in older individuals.

How do you use generation gap in a sentence?

There was a clear generation gap between the young interns who preferred texting and the older executives who favored face-to-face meetings.

What are some yellow journalism headlines from 1890?

"Spanish Spies Threaten American Safety!" "Innocent Women and Children at Risk from Foreign Invasion!" "Government Corruption Exposed: Who's Really Pulling the Strings?" "Sensational Murders Rock the Nation - Are You Safe in Your Own Home?"

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Yes. The controllers are forward and backwards compatibale, and even a Rock Band guitar will work on guitar hero and vice versa.

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Elegabalus was the emperor who had the pet rock and walked backwards

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Water falls are formed when fairies move the rock backwards

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Yes, you can use Rock Band 2 equipment for the Rock Band 3 game. They are backwards compatible with the game.

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you rock forwards then backwards straight after yourock forwards.

Why won't my guitar hero wii controller work with rock band?

Because the Wii Rock Band Drums are not backwards compatible with Guitar Hero World Tour. If you want backwards compatibility Buy a xbox 360 and the equipment for it.

Should you do ecstasy at school?

Quite a straight forward answer YES rock out

Where do glaciers depost the earth and rock as they move forward and advance?

Glaciers often push earth and rock from beneath themselves as they move forward. Many natural lakes were formed by glaciers carving the earth as they passed.

Where will a rock hit the ground if you drop it out a moving vehicle?

A rock dropped from a car window initially moves forward as the same speed as the car and falls downwards due to gravitational attraction. The forward speed falls off from the air resistance. This rate of speed reduction depends on the mass and density of the rock and the initial air velocity. For simplicity consider the case of dropping the rock in a vacuum (no air), or that the rock is so large that its momentum and inertia reduce the reduction of its forward speed only slightly while the rock is falling.To the observer in the car w the rock then falls down from the point dropped maintaining its forward speed.The rock accelerates downward at 32 ft/sec2 until it contacts the road some distance "d" below it. Using the expression:d = vt + (1/2)at2where d is distance travelled downward, v is starting downward velocity, a is acceleration of gravity, and t is time. It is possible to calculate "t". It is just as easy to time the fall of the rock by experimentation.The forward movement of the rock lasts for time "t". It was moving at some forward speed "v". It travelsd = vt . Where d is distance travelled forward, v is starting forward velocity, and t is time.The rock lands under the hand that dropped it at distance "d" down the road.