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As you pass from left to right and from one line to the next line below it, you are incrreasing the atomic number of each element, one proton at a time. As the protons increase, so do the electrons, and they fill up shells and start new shells. Chemical properties depend mainly on the number of electrons in the outermost shell (for transition state elements it doesn't work exactly by shells, since in the heavier elements it is possible for an electron in an inner shell to nonetheless be farther from the nucleus than some electrons in the outer shell, but that is an added complication). So, elements in the same group have the same number of outer, or valance electrons as they are known.

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Q: Why do elements in a group have similar properties?
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What are two elements that have properties similar to chlorine?

Elements similar to chlorine will be located in the same group(17).

What pair of elements do you expect to be most similar?

Elements in the same group are most similar.

Which is The lightest element with properties similar to calcium?

Beryllium (Be). This is because on the periodic table Be is located in the same group (column) as Calcium and is the highest element in that column. Elements of the same group have similar properties and their masses decrease the higher they are in the group.

What are three elements that have properties similar to chlorine?

Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. They are all in the same periodic group.

Which element has similar chemical properties to nitrogen?

elements in the same group as nitrogen will have similar CHEMICAL properties because they have the same number of electrons in the outer shell. (this is according to Bohrs model of the atom, if you want a real confusing answer about valence shells etc. go look at quantam mechanics) So elements in group 7 are phosphurus, arsenic, selenium, tellurium, polonium, these will react with the same chemicals to from similar compounds however they are all solids unlike nitrogen. Elements with similar PHYSICAL properties are elements that are present as gases at room temperature (like nitrogen is) oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, hydrogen and all of group 8 the noble or inert gasses (although inert isn't really a valid term as they can react in the correct conditions)

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Where on the periodic table would you find five elements that have very similar properties?

You would likely find five elements with very similar properties in the same group of the periodic table. For example, elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) like lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium share similar characteristics such as being soft, highly reactive metals with low melting points and easily losing electron to form cations.

Which elements have similar chemical properties in sulphur and helium?

Sulphur and helium have entirely different properties. Sulphur has properties similar to group 16 elements. Helium has properties similar to group 18 elements.

Do elements in the same group or period have similar properties?

Elements in the same group have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. In contrast, elements in the same period do not necessarily have similar properties, as their chemical behavior is determined by the number of electron shells they have.

Do any of the elements on the periodic table of elements have similar properties?

Elements in the same group have similar properties. The groups are made according to the properties of elements. Elements in a group have an equal number of valence electrons.

Which elements have similar properties on the periodic table?

The elements in the same groups usually do. Elements in the same group have same number of valence electrons and hence have similar chemical and physical properties.

What is similar when elements have the same group?

Elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties.

Where are Elements with similar properties in the periodic table located?

Elements with similar properties are typically located in the same vertical column, known as a group or family, on the periodic table. This is because elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons, which influences their chemical behavior and reactivity.

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A group or what of elements has similar properties?


Do the elements in a group of priodic table have the similar chemical and physical properties?

Yes, elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar chemical properties as they have the same number of valence electrons. This leads to similar reactivity and bonding characteristics. However, their physical properties may vary depending on factors such as atomic size and mass.

Elements in a have similar chemical properties?

a group of elements that have similar properties are arranged one on top of the other on the periodic table. These groups are also called families

Why do the elements in a group of the period table have similar properties?

Elements in the same group have same number of valence electrons and hence have similar chemical and physical properties.