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Q: Why do erratics often composed of different type of rocks than the surronding bedrock?
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What are glacial striations and glacial erratics?

Striations are "scratches" left in bedrock by glaciers. A small particle of rock, generally pebble sized or smaller, becomes entrained in the base of the glacier and dragged along the surface of the bedrock. These can often be seen on hard bedrock surfaces that are resistant to subsequent weathering after the retreat of the glacier. Erratics are large rocks that are found out of place in the landscape, i.e. not near where they were formed. They are removed from their provenance by a glacier and transported away, before being deposited in a different part or the landscape when the glacier melts.

Of what material were the pyramid stones composed?

desert bedrock

What horizon is a composed of unweathered bedrock?

horizon r

What ia the difference between topsoil and bedrock?

Topsoil is mainly composed of decayed plants and feces. Bedrock is made mostly of actual rocks.

What Studies showed that sediments found in an area of Earth's surface were composed of different materials than the bedrock below. the study's findings?

Answer this question… Wind carried the sediments from a different location.

What is it called when glaciers pick up large rocks and carry them away?

It could be two things, either plucking, a form of glacial erosion where weak rock is moved or erratics, which is a form of glacial deposition in which rocks, even car size, are transported by glacial ice into a region with different bedrock.

What are erratics?

Glacial erratics aren't exactly formed. They were deposited by glaciers that were moving in that area at one time. improved= Glacial erratics are exactly formed. Because a glacier is so heavy, the glacier can pluck large rocks as the glacier moves. When the rock is too heavy for the glacier to hold, or the glacier is retreating, it then deposits the rock in a place where it wouldn't usually be found. This is what an erratic is. A large piece of rock in an unusual surrounding. i hope this helps :)

Do glaciers scratch bedrock through the process of abrasion?

When glaciers pick up loose rocks, the rocks will act as an abrasion, scoring and abrading the land beneath as the glacier slowly moved on. You can see the scratch marks on bedrock exposed on the surface in some places.Also, boulders left isolated and strange to the area as the glacier melted and retreated are known as Glacial erratics.

How is bedrock different from subsoil?

Bedrock is rock and lava whereas subsoil just contains plants and dirt

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What New York state landscape region is mostly composed of horizontal sedimentary bedrock at high elevations?

I believe its the Catskills.

What town does the flinstones live in?

The name of the town in Flintstones is Bedrock.