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The reasons women live longer than men:

  • They do less dangerous jobs (typically), including fighting at war
  • Mitochondria mutations can be damaging to men.
  • Men smoke more (typically)
  • Men take more risks (typically)
  • Women develop heart problems later
  • Women have better immune systems - they age slower, and are harder to wear down.
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Q: Why do females live long than males?
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Lions live for ten to fourteen years in the wild, while in captivity they can live longer than twenty years. In the wild, males seldom live longer than ten years, as injuries sustained from continual fighting with rival males greatly reduce their longevity. Females on the other hand dont fight with one another and hence live longer than the Males.

Females are more likely than males to have anorexia.?

true, that females are more likely than males to have anorexia.

How long will you live for?

The average human in the United States lives to be 75-80, but females often have a longer lifespan than males, though likely not by a lot.

How does gametogenesis differ from males than of females?

males produce sperm and females produce eggs

How long is the killer whale?

15 to 20 feet (Females usually larger than males)

Why does Pneumonia occurs more commonly in males than females?

It is because males generally have a weaker immune system than females'.

What does a tiger hierarchy look like?

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Is it true that there are significantly more females than males in the upper age groups?

Yes. Females have a higher life expectancy than males.

Are skinny jeans more popular for females than males?
