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less energy and pubs

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Q: Why do fewer organisms suported in each level because?
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Can fewer organisms be supported at each level because there is less?


Why does each level in a food chain contains less energy than the level below?

Because each consecutive levels contains fewer organisms than the level below

Do the biomass of organisms in a typical ecological pyramid increases at each level?

The biomass of each organism decreases with each level. With less energy at higher trophic levels, there are usually fewer organisms as well. Organisms tend to be larger in size at higher trophic levels, but their smaller numbers result in less biomass. Biomass is the total mass of organisms at a trophic level.

What are organisms in the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem?

Plants are in the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem. Their level is the lowest because the needs of plants are the least complex compared to the other organisms present in an ecosystem.

Why is all the energy in one level of a food pyramid not available to the organisms at higher level?

its because that all the organisms get fit in one place.

Why is there a decreasing number of organisms in each feeding level of the ecosystem?

Because there is less energy available at each feeding level, there is a limit to how many organisms can be a part of each progressive level.

Organisms at the cellular level cannot maintain homeostasis?

no they can not because it dies

Why are the numbers of organisms smaller at high levels of an energy pyramid?

The energy pyramid shows how the amount of useful energy, food, decreases as organisms in that level use it. Even though a lot of energy may be taken in at any level, more energy in the form of food that is available to the next level, is stored on the bottom level and decreases at each level as you move to the top of the pyramid. Thus, there is much less energy to support organisms at the top, so there are fewer in most communities.

What is one reason citizens can more easily influence government at the local level than at the state or federal level?

because there's more interaction between citizens authorities at the local level

Why are there usually fewer organisms at the top of an energy pyramid?

The energy pyramid has a broad base to support the next level of organisms, then gets narrower as each layer is added. Each upper level eats more than one ie many organism from the layer below it. Therefore, there has to be more organisms and more energy trapped in lower layers to give energy to the upper layer. There is more grass than rabbits, there are more rabbits than hawks. There is more energy in the grass layer than the layers above it.

How does seasonal turnover in lakes affect oxygen level available to the aquatic organisms?

It affects the oxygen level because it is essential for the survival and growth of organisms ata ll levels within its ecosystem.

Do organisms always stay in the same level explain the answer?

No, because even though humans are placed on a lower tropic level than lions, sharks, wolves, etc. they still eat organisms like those. Humans eat shark and other meat from organisms higher than them on the tropic level pyramid.