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Q: Why do fish die in water when the water is too warm?
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Can you mix cold water fish and tropical fish in same tank?

No. The temperature variation will kill one or the other. (Too warm for cold water fish, too cold for tropical fish)

Do the seahorse live in cold or warm water?

It depends on the fish. tropical fish need warm water, goldfish and koi like colder temperatures. You have to know what kind of fish it is to really answer this one. Ask the people you buy the fish from what temp it needs.

What would happen to a goldfish if the water temperature increase?

Simply put, they will die. Goldfish are coldwater fish and if their water gets too warm, their metabolism speeds up. Their bodies then demand more oxygen for them to survive. The warmer water is, the less oxygen it can contain, so coldwater fish simple die from lack of oxygen in warm water.

What are the living conditions of the blue tang fish?

It should have good water (warm) not too hot or not too cold, and a good temperature.

Why did your black moor fish turn gold?

It can either Mean the lighting is too bright or the water is warm

Can tropical fish live in coldwater?

The reason they are called 'tropical fish' is because they come from tropical areas and need warm water to survive. They have evolved to live in warm water over millions of years. If they are placed in water that is not of the correct temperature (either too hot or too cold) the fishes metabolism will not be able to cope properly and depending on how much difference there is between what they need and what they are getting they will live or die accordingly.

What happens if aquariums water temperature is wrong?

If the water temperature is too hot or too cold, your fish will be stressed and may die.

Can there be too much dissolved oxygen in water for fish to survive?

No. There can not be too much oxygen in a fishes water. If a fish is swimming upside down and it is not of a species known for doing that, then the fish has a damaged swim bladder. The fish is very sick and will die.

Will the cold kill fish?

Most tropical fish are normally kept between 70F and 80F but some species will die if they are kept in water below 75F. Others will die if they are kept too warm and 70F will be too hot for them to live. Bettas will die if they are kept below 65F for long periods. For them to live a healthy and normal life span, Bettas need a temperature range of 75F to 80F

How do you look after coldwater fish?

The same as warm water fish only you do not need a heater and you typically should to keep an eye on the temperature to make sure it doesn't get too hot.

If the testes become too cold or too warm will sperm form?

No, it will not. The sperm are housed outside of the body because it is too warm inside. If it becomes too warm, the sperm will die. If it is way too cold, it will die as well.

Why do the fish in an aquarium die when the temperature of the aquarium is raised?

Yes, if they are cold water fish and they are in there for a long time. Tropical fish could stand the water a bit hotter. But not too hot. Though i would'nt try it.