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A more accurate answer. Contrary to popular belief, tornadoes can pass over mountains and valleys without weakening. However, rough terrain can disrupt the ability of storms to organize, making it more difficult for tornadoes to form. Mountains can also block the movement of moisture necessary for storm formation in what is called the rain shadow effect. That tornadoes are so common on the Great Plains has more to do with climate than with topography. There is also a bias created by our ability to photograph tornadoes Major tornado outbreaks are not uncommon in hilly areas of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama, but the tornadoes in this region are often shrouded in rain or blocked from view by hills and trees, resulting in fewer photographs. By contrast, the tornadoes of the Great Plains are less likely to be blocked from view, providing ample opportunity for clear pictures.

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If you think about this, you can figure it out. What happens to wind when there's a mountain canyon in its way? A tornado would smash against a mountain and stop being a tornado, or it would run out of air before it could suck up everything in a canyon. Flat land lets the tornado run all over without colliding with anything.

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Q: Why do flat areas have so many tornadoes?
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Can tornadoes affect areas that don't have tornadoes?

No. Tornadoes cannot affect areas that don't have tornadoes. However, tornadoes can occur in more places than many people realize. It is not uncommon for people to think that tornadoes don't occur in their areas when, in fact, they do. This is a result of a few factors. First, although tornadoes can occur in most places on earth, they are quite rare in many areas. Second, many tornadoes are relatively weak and cause only minor to moderate damage and so are less reported than the EF4s and EF5s that level whole neighborhoods. Third, may people to not pay close enough attention to events and are quick to forget many events.

How many tornadoes does the world have each year?

That is not known. Official statistics say there are about 2,000 tornadoes in the world per year, but the actual number of tornadoes is probably much higher. Many countries do not keep record of their tornadoes and so only ones that cause major damage become known. Many tornadoes that occur in unpopulated areas go unnoticed.

Are there tornadoes in Africa since its so flat?

Yes, tornadoes do occur in Africa despite its flat terrain. Tornadoes can form under specific atmospheric conditions and are not solely limited by the topography of the land. Africa experiences tornadoes in various regions, typically during certain weather patterns like severe thunderstorms or tropical cyclones.

Why do tornadoes hit the country?

Tornadoes occur more in rural areas as a simple matter of geometric probability. The majority of the land area of the United States is rural, so that is where most of the tornadoes will hit.

Did the Inuit tribe have tornadoes?

The Inuit people typically live in Northern Canada so earthquakes are more likely to occur in their areas of residence rather than tornadoes.

Why do tornadoes happen mostly on flat land?

Hills and mountains can, to some degree, disrupt thunderstorms from organizing, making tornadoes less likely. Overall, through, tornadoes are more influenced by climate than topography. It just so happens that the most tornado-prone region in the world, the central U.S., is also quite flat.

Where do 3 out of 4 tornadoes happen in the world?

The majority of recorded tornadoes in the world occur in the United States. This is somewhat misleading, however. The actual number of tornadoes occuring outside the United States is probably much higher than records indicate. Many countries do not conduct surveys or keep detailed records, so many of the less damaging tornadoes and tornadoes that occur in sparsely populated areas are never recorded. It is quite possible that thousands of tornadoes go undocumented every year.

Why are there so many tornadoes in Maine?

There aren't. Maine's cool climate makes it so that the state rarely gets tornadoes.

How many mesocyclones produce tornadoes?

About 44.4%. So mesocylones don't always mean tornadoes.

Why are only some areas vulnerable to tornadoes?

Most areas do get tornadoes, it is more often a matter of how often an area experiences strong tornadoes than whether or not it gets them at all. The severe thunderstorms that produce tornadoes form best when hot, humid air is available. Another component in tornado development is wind shear. So tornado frequency depends on a regions climate.

Why are some tornadoes red?

Tornadoes can lift large amounts of soil into the air and can so take on the soil's color. Some areas, particularly in parts of Nebraska and Kansas, have red soil.

How many tornadoes are there in the world in one year?

It is not known. In an average year there are about 1800 recored tornadoes worlwide, most of them in the United States. However, the actual number of tornadoes is certainly much higher. Most countries do not keep detailed records or conduct damage surveys, so most tornadoes, possibly a vast majority, are never recorded, especially in sparsely populated areas.