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Q: Why do food substances wrapped in polythene do not rot?
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What causes food to rot?

Bacteria, mold, and yeasts can cause food to rot.

What is another word for food that can rot easily?

Usually food that can rot easily is referred to as highly perishable.

How can the human body cause food to rot before eating it?

It can't. Bacteria causes the food to rot.

Why does coke rot theeth?

It doesnt rot teeth but disolves the enamel, enabling food sugars to rot the tooth much faster.

Do Oreo cookies rot?

Almost all food products rot, especially cookies with sugar in it.

Does fast food rot faster than regular food?

Fast food has something in it that doesnt make it rot

Do organic food not rot so fast like other food?

Organic foods rot faster because they havent been treated with preservatives.

How does an apple rot?

Well because of bacteria and fungi our food rots. How? Bacteria and fungi grow ON the food or any kind of fruit causing it to decay or rot.

What will happen to food when left out?

It Will Rot, and it isn't healthy to eat rotten food.

Is it safe to can leftovers?

No, it is not because food might rot.

What day on the mayflower did the food rot?

day 8

When food left out in the open it rots?

yes it will rot