

Why do frogs jump in fires?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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becauuse poor froggies are suicidal D: :O

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frogs only jump toads walk

What alows frogs to jump jump?

Their legs.

Which is larger a kangaroos jump 7.6 meters or a frogs jump 1000cm?

a frogs jump . the kangaroo is only jumping 760 meters

Do poison dart frogs jump?

Yes, all frogs jump unless they are too fat or have a broken inside.

Does frogs hop like kangaroos?

kangaroos jump high, but frogs jump low. frogs also land on there front legs while kangaroos land on their heels.

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How does a frogs muscles and bones work together to make frogs jump?

frogs have muscles in their legs that spring up and their long legs contrast with their small bodies which allows them to jump well and high.

What defense mechanism do have the frogs?

They can always jump to escape and some frogs have poison on their skin

Can African dwarf frogs be in air?

No, frogs don't know how to jump. What a ridiculous question.


They both jump

Can frogs jump upstairs?

Yes, they can!

Who is a better jumper a frog or a cricket?

In proportion to the size of the creature, the cricket jumps further.