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Fast flowing rivers are more erosive and are light on the deposition of sediments. Slow flowing rivers allow for the deposition of sediment which create the meanders.

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Q: Why do gentle sloping wide rivers have more meanders than steep fast-flowing rivers?
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Where can a meander can be found?

Meanders are bends in a river or watercourse. Meanders are more likely to be found in slower moving rivers. They often form ox-bows.

Is there a river which has a famous meander?

A meander is a bend in the coarse of the water flow in a river. There is not a river recorded with the most meanders, although rivers with the most meanders are located in Africa.

Where are the meanders of the Rhine river?

Yes there are many meanders in nearly all river the river Rhone especially as its probably one of the largest rivers in Europe. There is a large meander just before the river reaches Leon in eastern France. Hope this helped

What is straighter old rivers or young rivers?

Young rivers are straighter and more narrow. Old rivers have many meanders (bends in a rivers channel), and young rivers do not they are fast and have a high gradient, unlike old rivers which are slow and have a shallow gradient.

What are two rivers in Shropshire?

The Severn and the Teme. The Severn meanders around Shrewsbury and the Teme passes through Ludlow.

Rivers are formed by what?

Through erosion, a river creates valleys, waterfalls, flood plains, meanders, and oxbow lakes.

What is a river with meanders?

A meander is a bend in a river. Meanders normally occur in the middle and lower courses where the water is moving more slowly and the river carves out S-shaped bends.

What are five land formed by river erosion?

The processes of erosion and deposition create different river landforms. River landscapes change as you go downstream from the source to the mouth. In the upper course of a river, steep gradients lead to rapid-flowing rivers. In the middlecourse, the river meanders through gentle gradients.

Rivers flow in and out of large hollows called?

I think you are meaning Meanders, large bends in the river system in the lower course of the river.

What are five land forms formed by river erosion?

The processes of erosion and deposition create different river landforms. River landscapes change as you go downstream from the source to the mouth. In the upper course of a river, steep gradients lead to rapid-flowing rivers. In the middlecourse, the river meanders through gentle gradients.