

Why do giraffes mate?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Giraffes mate because God intended them to. They want to have babies, and so there will be more giraffes in the future!

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Q: Why do giraffes mate?
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Is giraffe male or female?

Giraffes can be male or female. this is how they mate, and keep the species going

Are giraffe's bisexual?

Giraffes are not technically bisexual. Rather, male giraffes will sometimes engage in snuggling or other mating behavior with other males, but all of them eventually go on to mate with female giraffes.

How old are giraffes when they mate?

Giraffe mating lasts for a few hours. After the giraffes have mated, the female giraffe will be pregnant for about 13 to 15 months and then a calf will be born.

7 During the mating season male giraffes slam their necks together in fighting bouts to determine which male is stronger and can therefore mate with females?

During the mating season, male giraffes slam their necks together in fighting bouts to determine which male is stronger and can therefore mate with females.

When are giraffes active?

Giraffes have no mating season. They mate year-round.

What is the combination of an elephant and a giraffe called?

Elephants and giraffes are completely different species which don't mate with each other to produce any offspring.

Do giraffes stay with the same mate their whole life?

no they dont because when the females (cows) are ready to mate then they attract all the males in the area (bulls). Then the most dominant male mates with the cow and this happens every year!

Mating rituals for giraffes?

Giraffes stand out from the crowd. They are quite intelligent. If a giraffe is trying to survive it needs to keep its head up. Giraffe are most active in the early morning and late afternoon.

What is a giraffes courtship?

they find there mate through ,the long neck the females are attrected to the neck and the alpha male fights off the smaller necked giraffes in order to stay the alpha male,

Can giraffes bend there necks?

Contrary to popular belief current research shows that giraffes do not have long necks to reach food, rather they are used as "clubs" when competing with other males to mate with females. Giraffes with bigger, longer, stronger necks usually win and therfore get to mate passing on their genes to the next generation.

Do giraffes have knees?

Yes, giraffes do have knees.