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This purring noice occurs when you pet a guinea pig too rough, and like you said, when loud noices such as the telephone or the dog barking startle it. It is basically just a noice it makes when it is startled.

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Q: Why do guinea pigs purr when you make loud noise?
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Are Guinea pigs loud?

Only when hungry, anticipating food, communication, or for some other reason, they make an audible noise that sounds like a "Week!"

Do guinea pigs make lots of noise?

Yes if they are happy.

What if guinea pigs are loud?

they are really loud

How do Guinea pigs behave before giving birth?

Well, They will start eating alot more and drinking and when they are about to give birth they will make this really LOUD noise!

Why does a guinea make noise?

Guinea pigs make noises to show their feelings like fear or exitment.

What if your guinea pig doesn't make noise?

maybe because he/she is lonely or it's sick

How do guinea pigs warn each other of danger?

they usually squeal really loud or they do a chirping noise.(chirping noise is very rare. my guinea pig only did it once. that was when she first met my dog)

Are guinea pigs hearing better than humans?

actually, guinea pigs ears are a lot better than human ears, so don't expose them to noises to loud. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also black guinea pigs have far better hearing than guinea pigs of another color (7 guinea pigs) and most guinea pig dont like high pitch or fast tempo noise...

Is it natrelle for guinea pigs to squeak?

yes of corce its there noise i have a very loud one but that dont change a thing i love him to bits !!!!!!

Why do guinea pigs make that niose?

it depends on what noise. if it is a very high noise then they want to be put down but if its just a nice pitch they are happy and they also use squeaking to communicate with other guinea pigs

Does a TV hurt a guinea pigs ears?

Hello, Guinea pigs are very sensitive to different sounds and can hear way better than any human. If there is any sound that is loud to you it will be miserable for it. When you ask if a TV can damage your guinea pigs hearing, it can only do so if the TV's volume is loud. The sound may not damage her hearing, but can be very unpleasent and disturbing to your guinea pig. My suggestion would be for you to put your furry friend in a quiet non-drafty room isolated from all noise. That's the best way to go, but just remember that A loud noise to you is a VERY VERY LOUD noise to your poor pet. GOOD LUCK! AnnaLee

What noise do guinea pigs make when they are cross?

They grind their teeth and it makes a chattering sound.