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Purrs are often made when you are stroking them or having them on your lap. My guinea pig does it all the time when I am stroking or rubbing her. However, do not get this confused with the "mate call".

My guinea pig purrs because I will stroke his fur backwards (on purpose to make him purr) so it is like a chill to them.

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14y ago
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15y ago

When your guinea piggie makes a purring sound it usally means that it's showing affection If anything else happen that your unsure about you should ask you local vet the questions that you have.

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14y ago

Guinea pigs can purr when you pet them for several reasons. The most basic one is that their showing that they are happy that you're there for them and caring for them. Sometimes if I'm away for a while, then as soon as I place a finger on my guinea pig's back then they start purring like crazy.

That kind of "Oh my god I am so happy to see you" purr is usually sorta deep.

If it's a short, abrupt purr, then they are probably startled by your touch, but this mostly only happens when they hear some noise or other.

Sometimes, I'm not sure if this applies for other guinea pigs, you pet your guinea pig for a little bit and then they let out a little sharp squeal. This means 'stop'. I think my guinea pig does that because eventually she gets tired of being petted and wants to eat, or whatever.

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11y ago

That would be a good thing.

Guinea pigs don't purr in general. If you pet your Guinea pig and find that it purrs, you might have mistaken it for the cat. If you are certain that you are petting a Guinea pig and that the purring noise originates from that animal, you might confuse the sound with purring. Instead of purring, the animal might emit a growling sound, often accompanied by grinding teeth and head and upper body vibrations.

Unlike purring, which is a sign of pleasure and relaxation for cats, the growling sound is a sign for aggression with Guinea pigs. You might be mistreating it, hurting it or otherwise handling it in a way that the animal dislikes.

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14y ago

because that's not a bad sign.if they squeak they're calmed and relaxed.

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15y ago

that means it does not like you...haha.

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