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There is no really good answer to "why?" questions of this sort. The fact is that they do give birth to live young. Most likely, you would believe that is how they happened to evolve or you would believe that is how God chose to make that part of the world.

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Q: Why do guppies give birth instead of laying eggs?
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What home aquarium fish are pregnant?

Guppies, mollies and platys become pregnant and give birth to their young, live, instead of laying eggs.

Does a guppy lay eggs?

The Guppy belongs to the Livebearer group and will give birth to free swimming fry instead of laying eggs. Guppies are easy to breed in aquariums and they will often spawn without any extra encouragement from their keeper. As soon as the fry are born, they will therefore be able to escape from their motherUnlike most tropical fish, guppies give birth the live young, hence the guppy is classified as a mammal. :)All types of guppies give birth to live young, hence they are classified as "livebearers".Give birth to their young.They give birth to puppiesGuppies are livebearers so they give birth to live young.

Do birds give birth to their young instead of laying eggs and hatching them?

No, birds lay eggs.

Do coyotes lay eggs?

Coyotes are mammals. ;) Which means they give birth instead of laying eggs.

What are some examples of fish that do not reproduce by laying eggs?

Guppies don't lay eggs.

Does Lugia give birth to live offspring?

The answer I know is yes, she does give live birth instead of laying eggs. The internet lies about Lugia giving birth.

How long does it take for guppie eggs to hatch?

Guppies are livebearers so they don't lay eggs.

What is the color of eggs?

Guppies Do Not have Egg they Give Birth to Live young

Are shrews insects?

No, shrews are not insects; because if they were, then they would be laying eggs. Instead, they are mammals, because they give birth to their young straight from the womb

Are guppies live bearers or egg layers?

Guppies do not lay eggs they give birth to live young.

Do ladybeetles die after giving birth?

Ladybeetles do not give birth; they lay eggs. And no, they do not die after laying eggs either.

Is a guppy a live bearer or does it lay eggs?

guppies give birth to live young.