

Why do hamsters need shelter?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Hamsters need shelter so they have a place to eat, sleep, and do what is necessary to survive.

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Q: Why do hamsters need shelter?
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Where do hamsters shelter in the wild?

burrows in the ground

Does PetSmart sell Syrian hamsters?

not really but you can go to a shelter and also you can get a other breed of hamsters.

What type of shelter do hamsters live in?

Hamsters live in a dry climate; my hamster came from Serbia

You dont want to keep baby hamsters what do you do?

the animal shelter or the treasure hunt.

Can animal shelters accept hamsters?

Yes probably depending on what shelter you go too.

What type of bedding do dwarf hamsters need?

dwarf hamsters need the same bedding as normal hamsters which is straw or shavings which you can get in a pet shop.

Can you put to hamsters in a cage?

Yes you can, and some hamsters need to live in pairs. However, syrian hamsters are very territorial and need to live alone.

Why do you need to have a house?

Because its shelter we need shelter to survive.

How do hamsters find a shelter?

I don't really know a lot about hamsters but I'd guess they'd sleep/stay wherever they feel safe and comfortable. Hope this helps! x

What type of shelter do hamsters need?

They definitly need a cage that contains the following... A little hut Plastic/Paper anything at a pet store A Wheel A Water Bottel And food Definitly need a place other then a cage to stay because they like to hide and be hidden.

Do you need shelter?

Ovcourse! You need shelter to keep you safe if something happens !!

What animals do not need shelter?

All known animals need a shelter of some form.