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They call it "break down," not "get sick." Helicopters vibrate. A LOT. You have to work on them all the time because the vibration causes parts to fall off.

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Q: Why do helicopters get sick to often?
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What do helicopters land on?

Helicopters can land on any surface that's firm and flat enough. A dedicated spot for helicopters to land on is called a helipad or a heliport. They're often a part of a regular Airport.

How does helicopters help every day life?

Helicopters are used every day to rescue lost and injured people and transport sick and injured people to hospitals much quicker than a ground-based ambulance. Police departments also use helicopters to track criminals in vehicles and on foot.

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Rabbits often sleeps when they are sick.

Can a helicopter fly up to Basecamp on Mount Everest?

The air is too thin at 29,000 feet for helicopters to fly. That is why, when a mountain climber is sick or injured, he must be carried down to a base camp low enough for a helicopter to evacuate him.

Do helicopters carry firefighters to forest fires?

Yes, helicopters can carry firefighters to forest fires. They are often used to transport firefighters to remote or inaccessible areas where the fire is burning. Helicopters can also be used to drop water or fire retardant on the fire to help suppress it.

Why are helicopters the best form of transportation?

They are a different and often more convenient form of transport, not always the best.

What do helicopters pilots do?

They fly helicopters.

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It's okay, I have pepperoni nips

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It is a fact.