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the dca

**the whirly bird catches the germ... it was on a precalc worksheet..

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Q: Why do helicopters get sick so often?
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Why do helicopters get sick so often math worksheet?

re-write that so we can understand

Why do helicopters get sick to often?

They call it "break down," not "get sick." Helicopters vibrate. A LOT. You have to work on them all the time because the vibration causes parts to fall off.

Ok so I have these really big helipad nips and I'm sick of helicopters landing on them all time... Someone help me?

It's okay, I have pepperoni nips

Do helicopters crash more often than airplanes?


Why do you have helicopters?

so we can fly

What do helicopters land on?

Helicopters can land on any surface that's firm and flat enough. A dedicated spot for helicopters to land on is called a helipad or a heliport. They're often a part of a regular Airport.

Why do army helicopters have two blades?

the helicopters are bigger so there needs to be a greater weight distribution

Why your kid gets sick so often?

weak immune system may be

Were helicopters used in World War 1?

Yes, helicopters were used in WW1. Don't be silly, helicopters were invented towards the end of WWII.

How does helicopters help every day life?

Helicopters are used every day to rescue lost and injured people and transport sick and injured people to hospitals much quicker than a ground-based ambulance. Police departments also use helicopters to track criminals in vehicles and on foot.

Why are helicopters so loud?

They do not use mufflers.

What is ad nauseam?

Literally it means to the point of nausea (that is feeling sick). So something that has been done ad nauseam is something that has been done so extensively or so often that everyone is sick of it.