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becasue its retared and disgusting to have

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Q: Why do heroin users get flushed skin?
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Related questions

What are some short term effects of heroin?

Euphoria A dry mouth Warm, flushed skin Arms and legs that feel heavy Upset stomach and vomiting Itching A fuzzy brain

What are Desired affects on heroin users?

To get messed up

Does the liquid stuff work for heroin users?


Are heroin users drug abusers?

Yes, unless the heroin is prescribed as a short term medical treatment.

Why is methadone criticised as medication for heroin users?

because it causes the users to be addicted to another drug

Can heroin be flushed from urine?

No heroin can not be flushed from one urine, it goes to the brain.

What does a victim with heatstroke usually has?

hot flushed skin

Which state in the us has the largest amount of heroin users?

New Jersey!

What age do most heroin users start at?

you can be any age to try drugs

Can you get sick by a heroin users sweat or body fluids?

No, unless they have an infectious disease.

Is it true heroin addicts eat a lot of candy?

This depends on the individual, but you may be mixing up heroin users with meth/ecstasy users. Amphetamine users are even more so known to crave sugary foods and drinks (further contributing to the infamous "meth mouth"). Heroin is also a drug that can decrease serotonin and alter glycemic control, which possibly has a part in triggering this.

What is skin popping heroin?

Missing the vein. but still injecting