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Q: Why do historians study the people events and ideas of the past?
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What is the study of people and events of the past?

Historians study and write about people and events of the past.

Why do historians investigate the past?

Because that's what historians do. Study historic events or artefacts. History IS the past.

What are people's who study history?

People who study history are historians.

What social study skill is important because it allows historians to sequence events?

Chronology is an important social study skill that allows historians to sequence events in order to understand the flow of history. By placing events in the correct order, historians can analyze cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions about the past.

People who study the past?


What is the study of the past called?

The study of the past is called history. Historians analyze and interpret events, people, cultures, and societies from the past to understand how they have shaped the present.

What is the study of past events in society?

The study of past events in society is known as history. Historians analyze and interpret the past to understand how societies have evolved over time, identify patterns and trends, and draw lessons for the present and future.

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What is an expert in study of time?

Chronologists and historians study time, the timing of events and those events themselves. There really isn't an official name for someone who just studies time.

Why do historians study cause effect connections?

because they want to understand why events happened the way they did

Who are the people who study greek mythology?

mythologists and historians