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Because their cool. lol get it right

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Q: Why do historians use legends to learn about the past?
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Why do archaeologist use information from the past to learn about past cultures?

Archaeologists use information from the past to learn about past cultures because physical artifacts and structures provide direct evidence of how people lived, what they believed, and how societies were organized. By studying these artifacts, archaeologists can reconstruct aspects of ancient cultures that are not documented in written records or oral traditions. This helps to create a more complete understanding of human history and development.

How historians study the past?

Historians study the past by studying the previous recorded events of the past activities. They use both the scientific and traditional methods to gather such information which they then use to compile their documentary evidence.

How do historians solve the mysteries of the past?

They ask questions about the past in order to understand the present. They use variety of methods to help them answer questions about what happened in the past. Historians also examine proof and draw conclusions as they answer historical questions.

How do historians investigate the past?

they think about clues they got when they find artifact's from prehistory that how historians investigate the past.

What kind of evidence do historians use to study the past?

they use the evidence from the past that will tell them what exactly happened, or they ask people who were at that certain place and time.

What sources historians use to study the past?

Fossils, Artifacts, or they search in libraries for history books or old books about the past.

What sources do historians use to study the past?

Fossils, Artifacts, or they search in libraries for history books or old books about the past.

Why do historians use historical thinking skills?

To develop a deeper understanding of the past by using sources

What are two main types of sources historians use to gather information about the past?

maps ,artifacts

Why historians use historical thinking skills?

To find answers to questions about the past using evidence

Why do historians use the historical thinking skill of interpretation?

To develop a deeper understanding of the past by using sources

What did people use to do in the past?

in the past people used music to learn something or relax.