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You need them so that you can eat food. Without them you could not eat solid foods.

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15y ago

Humans mainly have teeth to chew their food, andto let the words come more clearly from the mouth.

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Q: Why do human being have teeth?
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Do human being teeth has poison?

yes they do if it draws blood it could be posined by human teeth

Which teeth are last to appear in human being?


How many canines teeth does an adult human being have?

Adults have 4 canine teeth

Is there an entry in Guinness World Records for most teeth lost by a human being?

There is no specific category in the Guinness World Records for the most teeth lost by a human being.

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Numbers of human teeth?

There are 32 teeth in an adult human.

How much teeth does Samuel Jackson have?

Samuel Jackson has more teeth than an average human being. However, no one knows exactly how many.

What are the characteristics of a human teeth?

There are 3 characteristics of human teeth -thecodontheterodontdiphiodont

How many wisdom teech are in a normal human?

There are four wisdom teeth in a normal human being. Wisdom teeth are the very last four teeth that grow. They grow at the very end of the jaw - two upper and two lower. Wisdom teeth start appearing in the teens. Wisdom teeth can also appear towards the end of teenage. If there is no space in the jaw for the teeth to come out, then these are removed.

How many teeth do the human body have?

the maximum no of teeth in a humans body are 32 teeth.

Is it possible to regrow human teeth?

No, it is not possible to regrow the human teeth but a replacement is possible.

How does the location of a frogs teeth and a human's teeth differ?

Human teeth are use for chewing and grabbing. Frogs have teeth on the top of their jaw. Frog teeth are use mainly to hold the prey.