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It isn't really correct to say that most wild animals need to eat less than one meal a day. If you observe animals in the wild, they often spend the greater part of their time looking for food. The reason they tend to eat less than humans is because wild animals do not have the ready acess to food that we humans do. But, given free acess to food, wild animals will also grow fat and over-eat. This likely is an evolutionary drive. Extra fat equals extra energy and thus survival during times of starvation (an all to common occurance in the "wild"). The problem with the urge to over-eat in human beings is that we are very unlikely to be put into a starvation situation, and so we don't use the extra calories we store as fat. Instead, we just carry them around with us as unsightly buldges and rolls. So, that simple answer to human fat loss is to restrict the number of calories consumed. Of course, that sounds too simple, and it really is. You can't just restrict calories, because restricting calories just causes your body to dip into its reserves, and some of the reserve calories it taps will come from muscle fiber. The resultant loss of muscle fiber will result in a declining metabolism, not to mention a loss of overall strength and endurance. But there is a way to avoid this: exercise. The body has an amazing level of plasticity to it, and responds to environmental stresses quickly. By exercising, you are telling your body that it requires its muscle for survival and thus can't afford to lose it. So, your body will then choose to save its muscle fiber and burn fat instead. This makes sense, if you think about it a little while. Think of a lean, healthy animal. Why is it lean and healthy? Because it eats a restricted calorie diet (food is hard to find) and it exercises regularly (it takes a lot of effort and physical strain to find/catch food). Throw in a little extra sleep (animals sleep a lot to recover from the strain of the often intense exercise needed to capture prey/find food), and you too can be lean and healthy, like the "wild animals". But, be prepared to face hunger and hard work. They don't call it "fat and happy" for no reason. Eating little and working hard is not always comfortable, but who said that nature is easy. If you want to be lean, cut back the calories and exercise for brief, intense periods of effort....and don't forget the extra sleep. It will be hard, but if the world seems hard, maybe it isn't the world, maybe you're just soft.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Breakfast to break the fast.

Lunch for a lasting day.

Dinner so you don't go hungry in your sleep and you can go throughout the night.

It simply makes sense there is not enough time for four.

Why do the French eat 5-15 course dinners during Christmas dinner.

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14y ago

Humans don't necessarily have to eat 3 times a day. It is just the basic eating pattern for an average human.

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Why do humans eat three meals a day when most wild animals eat less than one?

they eat three meals a day because we need regular food after a while and we are not animals so that pretty much answers that question

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No they eat more then that

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Humans eat for sustenance, typically three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The timing of meals can vary depending on cultural habits and personal preferences. Some people also have snacks between meals.

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How many meals Indians eat per day depends on the Indian. Some of them may eat three meals a day, while others eat less.

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Greeks can eat more than 3 meals a day just like us ------------------------ Seriously? THREE. Every country eats three meals a day. Every language has a word for breakfast, lunch and dinner! So everybody eats three meals a day.

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Most people eat about three meals a day but I would say eight or nine meals a day

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You should eat at least three square meals per day.4 massive meals a day so you dnt get a tummy ache

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Yes, and some even still do.

Should you skip meals to lose weight?

No! If you eat three balanced meals a day and three healthy snacks, that is the best way to lose weight

How many meals a day do they eat?

3 meals a day breakfast lunch and dinner. ---------------------------------- Who's they? Humans? Well then the above answer is right... (darn aliens using wiki answers)

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Three meals a day are all anyone needs.

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Three square meals and more.