

Why do humans have eyes?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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So they can see things.

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Q: Why do humans have eyes?
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Do humans have the biggest eyes on earth?

No humans do not have biggest eyes, Giant Squid have biggest eyes in the world.

How do humans see?

Humans see with their eyes

What is inside the flounder's eyes?

the eyes are the same as humans

Do humans have an eye?

Humans have in fact two eyes.

Do humans have hair on their eyes?

* * *

Can humans have 3 eyes?

no it is not possible for any human to have 3 eyes.

What color eyes to cats have?

They are the same colour colour as humans eyes!

Can you have your eyes surgically replaced with Cheetah eyes?

No. At this time, animal eyes are not being transplanted into humans.

WhAT mammals have blue eyes?

Humans !

Are a humans two eyes the same?

no every eye is different no eyes are the same not even your own eyes.

What are Siberian tigers eyes for?

Siberian tiger's eyes are for seeing things. The same reason that humans have eyes.

Why do platypuses need their eyes for?

Same reason as humans do. They need their eyes to see.