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Here's my hypothesis. Humans or pre-humans probably only grew 1 set of teeth once upon a time. A few of them probably grew 2 sets as some sort of mutation. These beings were probably much more likely to make it to adulthood and therefore much more likely to pass their teeth genes onto their progeny. This was a huge evolutionary advantage.

There are supposedly people out there that grow a 3rd set of teeth but apparently it is a PITA. Especially if you're taking care of the second set. Even if the 3rd set was advantageous to survive longer it isn't a major advantage over 2 sets since the beings with 2 sets still live long enough to make and raise kids.

So even if 3 sets is an advantage it doesn't make you any more likely to be successful at creating kids. So it isn't an evolutionary advantage and therefore the frequency of people with this mutation doesn't increase.

Just my thoughts on the subject. Not tested, researched, or necessarily right.

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13y ago
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9y ago

You only have a set number of teeth because this is what is biologically advantageous. These teeth are supposed to last a lifetime.

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10y ago

There are four different tooth types, and all four type has their function.

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Q: Why do humans only get 2 sets of teeth in your life?
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Humans have two sets of teeth in their lifetime.

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Dogs have canine teeth. Like humans, they get 2 sets of teeth in their lives. Hope this helps . :)

How do teeth grow back once one falls out?

In humans, we only get two sets of teeth. Children have what are known as milk teeth and these fall out, or are knocked out accidentally. We then get our adult teeth. In some other species - such as sharks, the teeth are continuously renewed.

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Yes they do. Much like humans Dogs have a set of baby teeth they shed in their youth for adult teeth that they keep for thr rest of their life. Also it would be "DOES a dog get two sets of teeth"!

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Sharks have 5 or more rows of teeth. Humans only have 20 baby teeth and 32 adult teeth. Sharks can re-grow teeth. Humans only get 2 sets (milk teeth and permanent teeth). Sharks have serrated edges on their teeth. Shark teeth are not attached to the jaw. Humans bite and chew with their teeth. Sharks use their teeth to rip their prey apart.

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The number of tonsils in the human body depends on what location you are asking about, but in the mouth and throat there are 4 sets; the pharyngeal tonsils, tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, and lingual tonsils. If you are talking about other structures that are named tonsils, there are many others such as the cerebellar tonsils.

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Do babies have teeth?

Teeth are formed from buds present in the jaw from birth. Teeth can differ widely in their eventual number and arrangement, but almost everyone has two sets : the deciduous (primary or baby teeth) and the permanent. Humans do not form new teeth aside from those present in the jaw.

Information about information about Teeth in human being?

Cold sores and mouth ulcers are painful but minor annoyances, but some mouth problems such as gum disease can be serious. Here's how to identify common oral health issues - from your lips and tongue to your teeth and gums.Fun Teeth Facts1. A human child will lose their first tooth around 7.2. The enamel on a humans tooth is the hardest thing in their body.3. A mammal has 2 types of teeth called primary and permanent teeth.4. Teeth in humans start to form before they are born.5. Toothbrush bristles were originally made from the hair of cows.6. Baby teeth are actually called milk teeth.7. A Shark has around 40 sets of teeth in their life time.8. A human baby has 20 teeth which start to grow at about 6 months old.9. An adult human has 32 permanent teeth.10. Humans only have 2 sets of teeth in their life time.11. A humans front teeth are called "incisors"12. An adult human has 2 "canine" teeth that have points and are used for tearing.13. A human uses "molars" to grind their food.14. Teeth are kept alive by blood and nerves.15. Teeth are fixed into jaw bones and held in place by cement.