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Hurricanes depend on very warm ocean water to sustain themselves. The waters of higher latitudes are not warm enough.

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Q: Why do hurricanes happen between tropical latitudes and not an higher latitude?
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Tropical climates exist between which latitudes?

Tropical climates exist between 23.5 degrees S and 23.5 degrees N latitude.

Where are the hurricanes found?

Hurricanes are usually found in tropical and subtropical waters when weather conditions are right. They form north of 10 degrees north or south of 10 degrees south. To rotate they need the force of the earth's rotation which they do not have at the equator. (See a physics text book.) They like low pressure and warm water below, moisture and high pressure aloft. They do not form when there are high winds aloft. They do not form when there is dry air aloft. When moisture turns to rain it produces 540 calories per gram. That provides the heat to produce the winds drive the storm. The winds churn up the ocean below to produce more moisture. So hurricanes are found where the right conditions exist. Hurricanes can still exist over water where it is too cold for them to form. Their high winds can churn up enough water to keep the process going when there is no where near enough moisture to get hurricane force winds and a cyclical storm started.

Temperate zones are also called what latitudes?

Temperate zones are found between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. They are characterized by wet cold winters, dry warm summers. The parallels (as the latitudes are sometime known as) are the climate most agreeable for deciduous trees.

What characterizes climate in middle latitudes?

low rates of evaporation(novanet/Gradpoint)

What are tropical and polar climates?

tropical climates is between 23.5 in north and 23.5 in south but in polar climate is between 66.5 in north and 66.5 in south and the similar is that both of them have latitude.

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Hurricanes form in tropical waters between the latitudes of .?

Hurricanes in the Atlantic form between latitudes of 10 degrees North and the Tropic of Cancer.

Tropical climates exist between which latitudes?

Tropical climates exist between 23.5 degrees S and 23.5 degrees N latitude.

Is the area between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn high or low latitudes?

Both! All lines of latitude between the equator and the tropic of cancer are high latitudes, and lines of latitude between the equator and the tropic of capricorn are considered low latitudes. ***THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE TROPICAL LATITUDES*** <- those I can't name

What is a place in the low latitude?

Low latitudes are the latitudes between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. Portions of the low latitudes receive direct sunlight year round. Hope This Helps.

Is the areas between the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn called low or high latitudes?

Both! All lines of latitude between the equator and the tropic of cancer are high latitudes, and lines of latitude between the equator and the tropic of capricorn are considered low latitudes. ***THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE TROPICAL LATITUDES*** <- those I can't name

Are all tropical zones found in high latitudes?

No. Tropical zones are between 0 degrees latitude and 23 degrees north or south.

What is horse latitude?

Horse latitudes are between 30 and 35 degrees north and south. The horse latitudes are also known as the sub tropical latitudes. The pressure in the horse latitudes is called the subtropical high.

Which tropical latitude is between the arctic circle and the equator?

The "tropical latitudes" are the latitudes within 23.5 degrees of the equator, both north and south of it. The half of the "tropics" between the equator and the Arctic Circle is the half between the equator and 23.5 degrees north latitude. The line at 23.5 degrees north latitude that marks the northern boundary of the tropics is the "Tropic of Cancer".

What are the three climate zones based on latitude?

The three climate zones based on latitude are tropical, temperate, and polar. Tropical zones are near the equator and have warm temperatures year-round. Temperate zones are located between the tropics and polar regions, with distinct seasons. Polar zones are near the poles and experience cold temperatures year-round.

What zone on earth has the most variation between seasons equatorial latitudes subtropical latitudes intermediate latitudes polar latitudes or all have an equal amount of change between seasons?


What latitudes is the tropical zone between?

23.5 North and South

Between what two latitudes can the sun's rays be directly overhead?

Between 23.5° south latitude and 23.5° north latitude.