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Q: Why do hyacinth has air storage tissue?
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How can water hyacinth float on water name the tissue and its type?

The leaves of water hyacinth are long and leathery and have wax coating surrounding them. They are made up of long spongy parenchyma tissues that have several air pockets. The air pockets help the leaves to stand erect and float on the surface of water. Arsha 9th

Where are the air spaces located in a water hyacinth?

the stem

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Adipose tissue

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ground tissue system

Which tissue storage the highest amount of triglycerides in your body?

adipose tissue

What tissue is specialized for energy storage and thermal insulation?

adipose tissue

What is the specific uses of the air spaces for water hyacinth?

Please help me to answer this question, thank you!

Why is tissue storage important?

Because It Is lls.

What are storage tissue in roots and stems?

Pith and cortex are the storage tissues in roots and stems

Diffrerences between the water hyacinth to a sunflower?

The water hyacinth's roots are in water, while the sunflower's roots are in soil. The Water hyacinth's leaf stalks are swollen and contains air, while the sun flower's leaf stalks are different in shape

Where plastids are present?

Plastids are present in the storage tissue.

Which connective tissue functions in fat storage?
