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Q: A floating plant whose stems and leaves have air sacs is a?
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Is a bushy plant whose stems and leaves are used to make blue dye?


Mention a plant whose seeds and leaves are useful to us?

Musterd is a plant whose seeds and leaves are useful to us

What function is a leave on a plant?

to absorb sunlight and to provide nutrients via photosynthesis

Where do leaves and flower from?

Plants.Buds are where flowers and leaves come from.Specifically, buds can be found along the sides of roots, stems or trunks and at the top of stems. Either way, it is an undeveloped shoot whose purpose is to facilitate reproduction and vegetation of the plant in question. It may be specialized only to flower or leaf or it may be capable of both leafing and flowering.

Where do leaves and flower come from?

Plants.Buds are where flowers and leaves come from.Specifically, buds can be found along the sides of roots, stems or trunks and at the top of stems. Either way, it is an undeveloped shoot whose purpose is to facilitate reproduction and vegetation of the plant in question. It may be specialized only to flower or leaf or it may be capable of both leafing and flowering.

What is erectophile?

Wheat, whose meristematic leaves and stems are sheltered from direct light by upper leaves and leaf sheathes (erectophile morphology, common to grasses and most monocots, but not all monocots). Both lettuce and soybean, whose meristematic cells in expanding leaves and stems are 'exposed' (planophile morphology, common to dicots and a few monocots),

What are 2 plants whose leaves you use for food 2 whose stems we use for food and 2 whose roots you use for food?

Leaves: Lettuce, Cabbage Stems: Celery, Parsley, sugar cane Roots: Carrots, Potato (although not a true root), radish Seeds: Rice, wheat, corn Flowers: Cauliflower, broccoli

Mention a plant whoose seeds and leaves are useful to us?

Mention a plant whose and seeds are used as food

Herbaceous flowering plant whose leaves are often added to mojito cocktails?


A plant whose leaves are naturally yellow probably contains what?

Xanthophylls which are from the carotenoid group of pigments

What is an asarabacca?

An asarabacca is a herbaceous plant, Asarum europaeum, whose leaves and roots are emetic and cathartic.

What are all the ponds?

Swamp Zone, Floating Leaf Zone, Underwater Plant Zone and the bottom zone[whose name I am unsure of].