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An edible plant is a vegetable.

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Q: What is a plant whose roots leaves or other parts are used as a food called a zinnia a vegetable a lilac or an iris?
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What is lilac in Tagalog?

Tagalog translation of LILAC: lila

Do lilac bushes lose their leaves in autumn?

Yes they do, in the winter.

Which is the tree with light violet flowers and ovate dark green leaves?


What is the name of a flower that looks like a lilac and smells like one but is not and is white?

its called a flower It is possible it is a lilac, lilac is the name of the shrub but they come in colours of lilac ,purple, red, blue and white.

What flower is purple and grows long and smells great and also grows in Georgia tbilisi?

they are called syringa or lilac flower they are called syringa or lilac flower

Inflorescence type of lilac?

The type of infloresence a lilac has is called a panicle. This means that lilacs have many flowers on a spike clustered together.

How do you get a lilac tree to flower?

There could be a number of reasons for non flowering.Try a dressing of Sulphate of Potash as the leaves start in the Spring.

Are lilac trees deciduous?

Yes they do, but sometimes it means its dieing.

What is the operetta about a masked girl in a casino called?

lilac domino (happy sun crossword)

Can you put gelid in a sentence?

The house was silent, filled with a gelid, wintery hush even as lilac and dogwood leaves brushed darkly against the windowpanes.

The word gelid in a sentence?

The house was silent, filled with a gelid, wintery hush even as lilac and dogwood leaves brushed darkly against the windowpanes.

Can a purebred Burmilla have a lilac coat?

Yes, a purebred Burmilla can have a lilac coat. Many are blue and lilac.