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Most likely it is gasses from your digestive system. Try not eating before bed to cease the kicks.

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Because your pregoo!

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Q: Why do i feel kicks in my stomach awhile i am sleeping?
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Related questions

How can you know when the baby kicks?

If you are the mother you will feel it for sure. Other people can feel it too thru your stomach as the kicks get stronger as the baby grows.

How does it feel when a fetus kicks inside the uterus?

The very first kicks that you can feel feel like someone is flicking you from the inside with their finger. The later kicks feel like a knee or elbow is kicking or pressing on you inside (which it is!).

When can you feel a baby kick when he or she is inside the mothers womb?

The baby is mostly active starting around 4months, when you will feel like there are bubbles or butterflies dancing in your stomach. These kicks get harder as days pass.

Can you feel the baby kick at week 16?

Feels pretty much like a pop. Sometimes you can actually see your stomach popping up and down depending on how often the fetus kicks or move.

What to expect in the second trimester of a pregnancy?

In the second trimester you can expect that you stomach will continue to grow and expand as your baby grows. You will likely feel kicks, rolls and hiccups and may even start to feel a painless tightening of your stomach. You may also get relief from any nausea and vomitting you had during the first trimester.

Is okay to sleep after eating dinner?

Of course it is. Try not to lay on your stomach, particularly if you are full, otherwise you may feel uncomfortable. Your digestion slows down by a fraction while you are sleeping, so you may not feel as hungry as you normally are when you wake.

Can you feel the gas move through your stomach during the first trimester?

yes, isn't it weird. You are hypervigilant especially the first trimester waiting for kicks. Around the end of the third month you will feel butterflies wings in you lower belly, that will be baby. I wish you joy----------------Joymaker rn

How do people feel after sleeping?

We usually feel rested XD

Is cabbage good for dogs?

A dog can eat cabbage but its a bad thing to do. Dogs were not meant to eat vegetables especially cabbage. If your dog does eat it then it will get a upset stomach and wont feel very well for awhile.

How do you know if you have a sour stomach?

You know if you have a sour stomach if you're experience nausea, bloating or stomach cramps.Your stomach will not feel right, it may be swirling or you can feel sharp pains.

You feel a ball in your stomach thinking your pg then you get hit in the stomach have abnormal cycle then you go to lay on your stomach again you don't feel the ball did you have a miscarriage?


How can you tell if the baby kicks?

early in pregnancy at first the baby's movement will feel more like fluttering of butterflies in the bottom of you stomach which will then change to more harsher thumps and as you sit you will see your bumps moving. and sometimes you can make out if it is a hand or a foot.