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You have to pay child support because you engaged in behavior which can be expected to produce a child - do you expect the taxpayers to pick up this expense? If the courts have not denied visitation rights to you, feel free to petition for them.

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Q: Why do i have to pay child support if i don't have any rights?
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If the father has visitation rights and has not seen the child can you get full custody and receive child support?

How does he have any visitation rights with a custody and child support order?

If your child's father pays child support but has not had any contact with her in a year does he still have any rights to her?

Yes. He has rights until his rights are terminated by a court order.

Does a father have any rights to demand how his child support is spent?


What happens in Idaho if you sign over your parental rights?

The court and the mother have to agree to that you do this and you continue to pay child support incl the back support if there is any until the child is adopted. You will no longer have any rights to the child.

Do you have any rights if the mother is underage and her parents dont want you to be around?

If you're in the US... You have no rights to have contact with the minor mother if her parents forbid it. You do have the right to petition the court for visitation with the child. Of course you also have the obligation of paying child support.

Can a man sign over rights to get out of paying child support?

Signing rights away will not stop any child support from being taken from the father. If the child is the fathers then he is financially responsible for the child weather he has rights or not.

Am I still liable for child support if you terminate your parental rights and she wants to get married and he plans on adopting the child?

you may still be liable for any back support owed,but once you give up your rights & the child is legally adopted, it's now that persons job to provide for the child,but keep your rights for your child. you may still be liable for any back support owed,but once you give up your rights & the child is legally adopted, it's now that persons job to provide for the child,but keep your rights for your child.

What say does a father have who does not pay child support?

Whatever the court documents give him. Not paying child support does not automatically remove any rights from him.

Child support after relenquishing rights in Arizona?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

If a mom signs over her rights due to defiant behaviors from the minor child is she obligated to pay child ssupport?

by "signing over rights" I persume you mean, terminating her parental rights and no, she is not obligated to pay child support, however, any accumulated back child support, or "arrears" is required to be paid, unless agreed otherwise. For this you would have had a prior order to pay support prior to the terminating of the mother's rights. When your rights to a child is terminated it is as if the child was never yours and your rights to the child, and obligation for the child are forever terminated.

If you has a love child in the US and are British, do you have any rights to live in the US if you pay child support?

According to the INS, no.

Can a mother sign her rights to child over to father does she still have to pay child support?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.