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Q: Why do i keep dreaming about the person i want to forget?
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I dreamt of a boy... I really liked him and I keep dreaming of him. I want to find him in reality. What can I do?

Keep dreaming. Be yourself, always. He will find you.

Broke up with boyfriend and keep dreaming of him?

it means you still want him

How do you forget about someone forever?

If you want to forget someone that you don't want to know from that person anymore you have to return all bed things or every things that person make you sad. Bring it all to your mind a gain you will feel that person is very bad for you then you want tot forget him you have to try to think a bout bad things that person did to you when you meet that person follow me and take time to will forget him the last you have to look a another person and prepare with the person you want to forget I promise you will 100% forget that person.

Why do you keep dreaming that you have a boyfriend when you dont want one?

cause maybe you do go find one

How can you cast a spell into a person that you want to curse like you want her to forget the things you use to keep a secret?

Oh I wish that was possible! It would be very useful to all of us.

Why do I keep dreaming about my boyfriend's ex girlfriend?

Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts and feelings. Your dreams about your boyfriend's ex girlfriend could be a manifestation of your insecurities or concerns about your relationship. It might be helpful to openly communicate with your boyfriend about these feelings to gain clarity and reassurance.

Why do you keep dreaming about Justin Bieber?

becaushes hot and many girls like them and want to see him so they dream about it an dif u like someone then u will dream about that person like me i dream about him all the time

How do you forget about someone you love?

You talk to your best girl/guy friend more and more. If that doesn't work, then too bad, you're hooked on the person you want to forget about. Or you cant forget him/her. Why would you even want to forget about somebody you love.

How can you get your girlfriend to flash you?

Forget it and don't suggest it to her if you want to keep her as a girlfriend. It is rude to ask her.

Who is Selenas best freind?

sierra rezell Whoever this person is sierra rezell your retarted you only wish she was your best friend keep dreaming. well if you want you can write back to this i dont really care but i recommend you to delete your name off of it

What is the significance dreaming of the same person regularly for many years and all having similar themes?

it means that you miss them or want them back

What do you do when you love someone but they have done you wrong so many times and keep taking them back even though you know that you don't want it anymore?

easy !! just kiss the person if u ever wanted to kiss him/her then dump the person or forget him/her and move on