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Q: Why do isomorphic substances have the same ratio to atom?
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Are compounds of the element?

The elements of a compound are the chemical bonds that are present in a specific ratio in a compound. Elements are pure chemical substances that are made of the same atom.

What is the difference between Isomorphic mineral and polymorphism?

*isomorphic have different chemical and physical properties and poly morphous have same chemical and physical properties

In atoms electrons and protons are in the same ratio or different ratio?

protons and electrons are identical in number in an atom

Why is an atom different from and element?

Element are the pure substances that contain atom of same kind. Atoms are fundamental particles of matter.

Are sodium chloride and potassium chloride isomorphic?

Yes, they have the same "halite" crystal structre

What are the elements of compounds?

The elements of a compound are the simplest components that it can be broken down into by chemical means. The atoms of an element have the same number of protons and electrons and have the same behaviors.

What is the ratio of elements in a compound?

The stoichiometry is governed by the laws of definite proportions and multiple proportions.

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Which type of substances is composed of two or more different kinds of elements always in the same ratio?


A organic compound with a ratio of one carbon atom to two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom is a?

Such common compound is Glucose C6H12O6 but most of the mono saccharides have same ratio.

Why is gold considered as an element and an atom at the same time?

An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. An atom is a single piece of an element. If you break an atom apart, you no longer have that substance.

Why do they say an atom is the smallest particle of an element that can not be split into two or more substances and at the same time say that an atom is comprises electrons protons and neutrons?

Atom is the simplest part of the matter in a chemical sense; by physical methods we can break an atom.