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They have similar chemical properties because isotopes of an element have the same number of electrons as an atom of that element. The electron arrangement is the same owing to same chemical properties. However they have different numbers of neutrons, which affects the mass number. Mass number determines the physical properties such as boiling/melting/density etc.

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Q: Why do istopes have different physical properties but same chemical properties?
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How are istopes of the same element alike?

Same number of protons; identical or very similar chemical properties.

What makes two istopes of the same element different?

istopes have different numbers of neutrons and most of their elements have several istopes

Why do all istopes of an element have the same chemical peoperties?

because chemical properties are determined by the nomber of electrons and protons and all isotops have the same number electrons and protons. they differ in the number of neutrons alone which doesnt affect chemical properties

What are Atoms of the same substance that have different number of neutrons?


What are isotopes easy definition?

Istopes: Atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons but a different amount of neutrons.

Istopes of hydrogen?

deuterium and tritium.

How are istopes identified?

by their mass numbers.

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How may istopes are they in aluminum?

they have not been decided yet

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Are all atoms of the same element chemically alike?

Not 100%; Istopes of an element do have identical electronic structures but there are slight differences in mass: 'Molecules with different isotopes of a particular element have different bonding characteristics: the bonds between the atoms are just a bit different because the atoms have different masses. As a result, the molecules with different isotopes behave a little bit different during chemical reactions.' See related link

Are helium-4 and helium-3 istopes?

Yes, they are isotopes of helium