

Why do kings in Egypt get buried with their belongings?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Because those items are closely connected to the person that is being buried......:)

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Q: Why do kings in Egypt get buried with their belongings?
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Why are kings in Egypt buried with there belongings?

They brought everything they thought they would need in the after life. :)

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Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where the Pharaohs were buried in ancient Egypt.

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In the Valley of the Kings, Egypt.

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In Egypt, the pharaohs were buried in Valley of the Kings.

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No they buried the kings in pyramids in Egypt.

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The Kings of Egypt were buried with the other Kings, within the depths of the pyramids, because it was then and still, today, is considered an honor to be buried amongst their predecessors.

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king tut was buried in the beautiful valley of the kings........get it he was a king so he was buried in the valley of the kings ahahahahahaha lol :)

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Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt. The Pharaohs of ancient Egypt were buried there.

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Pyramids in Egypt were made for graves of the kings or pharaoh's that ruled Egypt. Inside each pyramid there are tombs. People say that in the walls of the pyramids they had put the jewelery and belongings inside of them, i personally think that's a myth, because the kings always have the belongings next to them.

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The valley of the kings or Pyramids in ancient Egypt

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No The Pharaoh was buried with wooden models of slaves, servants and soldiers. They believed these figures miraculously came to life in the afterlife.

Where were most pharaohs buried?

in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor in southern Egypt.