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The archive is very important in a society that end can analyze customer returns, to have audit evidence and especially to improve their processes.

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Q: Why do large organisations keep archives of their computer files for many years?
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it is those loans which is given for the large organisations . those are usually a large amounts.

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Folder in real life: a folded cover or large envelope for holding documents Folder in computer/laptop: a collection of files or documents that are stored together on a computer

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A javac is a computer tool that is used to read definitions from text and then process them into bytecode class files. This tool can be used for either small or large source files.

What can be used to transfer files from a computer in one office to a computer in the next office?

If the two computers are on the same Network, you can setup File Network Sharing on the computer that has the files to be transferred.Depending upon the size of the files to be transferred, You can use a USB Flash Drive to transfer files form one computer to another.If the files are large and you need to transfer files to and from each computer, You can use a Portable Hard Drive.If there are Many computers on the network that need the resources of many files, You can use a Network Hard Drivewhere it can be centrally located so all the computers can store and receive files from.

Where can one find news archives online?

You can find archives online from the British Newspaper Archive, the British Library Newspapers, and the Guardian. A large list of archives that covers a number of countries can be found on Wikipedia.

How do laptops and computers differ when it comes to managing files?

Laptops and computers differ when it comes to managing files. Computers, in general, tend to have a larger capacity for storage as compared to laptops. Managing a large quantity and/or size of files may therefore be easier on a computer.