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The law is a written document. It has to be read and studied. The history of the law, as well as the charges and the specific depositions all have to be read. Lawyers spend a huge amount of time reading.

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Q: Why do lawyers needb to use reading for their cases?
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To be honest, most lawyers use technology. The definition of technology is "Machinery and equipment developed from such scientific knowledge." So therefore a cellular phone is technology. But in other terms, some lawyers such as myself use Microsoft Office to type up speeches, documents, etc., so yes i'd say most lawyers use technology.

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One can find a good DUI defense lawyers by talking to any family or friends whom may have dealt with drunk driving cases in the past and finding out what lawyers they used. Another way to find out about good drunk driving defense lawyers is to use websites such as "Attorneys" and "Expert Law". Generally you will want a lawyer that has graduated from an accredited law school and has many years of experience in the field of DUI cases.