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Q: Why do leaves have spiky edges and others are round?
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thumbus a plant like lettuce but with spiky edges and thick creases in the edges

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they are long and spiky on the tip of it

What type of leaves are found in a dry climate?


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The spiky leaves are poisonous.

What are the characteristics of the kangaroo paws?

a kangaroo paws have very spiky leaves

What kind of tree grows spikes?

a cactus grows spikes and is found in most deserts.

Deciduous tree with pamate leaves and autmnal inedible seeds in spiky shell?

Horse chestnut.

What are the physical characteristics of venus flytrap?

Spiky leaves, flat heads, green with red in their mouths.

What are the round spiky things on your bike called?

Sorry to answer a question with a question but do you mean the tires?

What are the physical characteristics of aloe?

Is a spiky, succulent, perennial plant with yellow flowers and triangular, fleshy leaves with serrated edges that arise from a central base and may grow to nearly 2 ft (0.6 m) long. Each leaf is composed of three layers.

What is the unique characteristics of the kangaroo paw that lives in the biome?

it has spiky leaves and it can protect its self from any danger from gettting hurt

Is aloe vear a climber?

No, it is a spiky cactus type plant with sword shaped leaves that grow in a ground-hugging cluster.