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Well as for the benifiets it would be protection against other "prides" in the case of lions, more successful hunts i.e bring down larger prey. Hyenas for the same reason but they are more scavengers then hunters if they see another animal killed or left they will use their numbers to scare away that animal. ( I hate them both tbh) cheetahs ftw.

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Q: Why do lions and hyenas hunt in packs?
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Who hunt a cheetah?

Lions, leopards and hyenas will hunt and kill cheetah cubs.

Who are hunting hyenas?

Well, its not all but lions hunt Hyenas if that helps.

What animals hunt hyenas?

The answer is the animal that hunt the Hyena are: Lions, Jaguar and crocodiles

Do they hunt together?

Lions, hyenas, and wolves hunt together. Bears hunt alone.

Do hyenas have a family?

it's sort of a family. They hunt and live in packs.

Who hunts with pride of lions?

Lions hunt alone as a family pride. At a kill, hyenas (if they outnumber the lions) might, by weight of numbers, force the lions to retreat and leave the kill to the hyenas.

Does a lion eat a giraffe?

Lions will kill hyenas but rarely eat them.

Do cougars hunt in packs if they do how many of them?

Nope. Only lions are known to be the one type of cat to hunt in packs.

What female animals hunt in packs?

Lions & wovles

Do hyenas eat lions?

noThey will eat the dead and dying one's.Actually, hyenas have proven to be better predators than lions are. The old belief that they were strictly scavenders was based on biased observations. Lions often kill hyenas, and a pack of hyenas have killed isolated lions and cubs, but hyenas do not hunt lions regularly.

Which animal preys on a cheetah?

The cheetah is an apex predator and has no regular predators. However, lions, leopards, hyenas and packs of wild African dogs will kill cheetah cubs.