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By heating the gas, you are adding energy to the particles, and as a result, they will move faster and with more force. If the gas does not have room to expand (set volume), then the pressure will increase because temperature and pressure vary directly. But when there isn't a set volume, the particles will bounce off each other (with more force) and get further apart from each other.

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2w ago

When a substance is heated, its particles gain energy, causing them to move faster and spread out. In liquids and gases, this increased movement pushes the particles further apart, leading to expansion. This is because the particles have more kinetic energy, which overcomes the attractive forces between them, resulting in a larger volume for the substance.

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12y ago

because the particals are on a rolercoaster.

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Q: Why do liquids and gases expand when they are heated?
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Do liquids and gases expand when they are heated?

yes yo

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All of them can expand - for example, when they are heated. Gases usually expand more than solids or liquids.

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Generally, the density of solids, liquids, and gases decreases as they are heated. When heated, the particles in these substances gain energy and move more, causing the substance to expand, which leads to a decrease in density.

Why do gases expand more than solid or liquids when they are heated?

Gases expand more than solids or liquids when heated because the particles in gases are more loosely packed and have more kinetic energy. This allows them to move more freely and spread out in response to an increase in temperature. Solids and liquids have particles that are more closely packed and have less freedom to move, resulting in less expansion when heated.

When molecules in liquids and gases are heated they?

When molecules in liquids and gases are heated they move faster

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Liquids expand when heated and contractwhen cooled.

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How quickly do gases expand compared with solids and liquids when heated the same amount?

cheater! go ask mrs. s!

Do solids expand to a much greater extent than gases when heated?

No, gases expand more than solids when heated.

What properties do only gases have?

Gases have the property of indefinite shape and volume, as they expand to fill any container. They also have low density compared to liquids and solids. Gases can be compressed and expand easily when heated.

Do liquides contract when heated?

Liquids expand when heated and contract when cooled.