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Q: Why do male cockatiels try to bite you?
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Related questions

What percentage of cockatiels are male?

62% of all cockatiels sold in stores are males.

Can cardinals and cockatiels live together?

No, cockatiels should only be housed with other cockatiels. Not only do other types of birds have different types of diets, but they also have different personalities and will sometimes clash with cockatiels.

What happens if male mosquito bite?

a male mosquito can bite you, but they tend to bite animals. Usually large ones like horses

Can you house a female and a male cockatiel together?

Yes, that's how you get more cockatiels.

Why does your female bearded dragon bite your male?

Since the female is a masochist, the male will bite her to satisfy her sexually.

Who is bigger female or male?

Male. But it is the females that bite you.

Are macaws smaller than cockatiels?

No. Macaws are bigger. Cockatiels are only 12 inches long, and their bodyshape on slender. Smallest macaw, Red-Shouldered Macaw, is about the same lenght, but is much more sturdy, and has lot bigger beak.

Your cockatiels have been mating and eggs have been laid can you take the male away now?

Yes you can ! It is more than ideal to take the male out of the cage !

Why do male rabbits bite?

Male rabbits either bite ti protect themselves or they bite to protect a mate or their babies, or they just wan to fight and play.

Are lutino cockatiels male or female?

Lutino cockatiels are a colour not a gender. However, it does happen that because of the genetics and chromosones they are most often female although there are some males lutinos around (or there wouldn't be any left.)

Why Cockatiels eats paper?

Cockatiels eat paper to keep themselves entertained. Usually they don't actually eat it, they just tear it up and chew on it. If you are uncomfortable with your cockatiels eating paper, you can try to distract them from the habit. Putting more toys in the cage might help.

My midle-aged cockatiel is very antisocial. He wont play with his toys and he never wants to come out of his cage. And sometimes he bites. How do i get him to like people and to play with his toys?

Cockatiels are very stranged birds because you can't tell what a cockatiels behavior is since they each have a different personalitity. The #1 thing that cockatiels get is depression. Trust is a HUGE thing to have together. If your cockatiel liked to stand on your finger and play with you, talk to you ect. and then suddenly doesnt want to do anything anymore then he is probably depressed. DO NOT try to get him out just open the cage and let him get out by himself. Stand a couple of feet away from the cage and start talking to him, if you get too close then he might feel threatened and cause him to bite. Change his toys around and maybe give him a new kind of food. If none of this works then you have to go to plan B: Get another bird. Cockatiels are flight birds so they are used to being around other cockatiels. Try to get a female so that he might be more alert but try not to get a male, I cannot stress over this so much! Two males in a cage WILL fight. Go to the petstore first, and look at some other cockatiels (if they have them) and look to see if there are any females. Female cockatiels usually have bars and stripes under their tail and have a duller color. Unless it is a Latino purebred then in that case, ask an employee. I hope he starts feeling better soon!