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Because mammalian muscle cells are genetically programmed to perform lactic acid fermentation, not ethanol fermentation.

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Q: Explain why muscles must use lactic acid fermentation instead of cellular respiration during intense physical activity?
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Is cellular respiration a physical property?

Cellular respiration is a biochemical process.

Fermentation may occur in a muscle under what type of condition?

If oxygen is not available in the body especially muscle it leads to fermentation in an anaerobic respiration.

Is Cellular respiration is a chemical or physical change?

its a chemical change

What physical activity supply fuel and oxygen?

Respiration is the activity used to create oxygen in the blood.

What are the changes in respiration and heart rates during physical activity of varied intensity and duration?

Respiration and heart rates change greatly during physical activity. How much they fluctuate can depend on the intensity and duration of the workout. Respiration and heart rate will double at times during an exercise routine.

What happens to a muscle cell during intense physical activity?

During intense physical activity, glycogen; which is energy stored in muscle cells, is used during intense muscle contractions.

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A type of activity that uses (mainly) your lungs and respiration, eg. long distance running, swimming.

What is respiration and cellular respiration and how are they related?

Breathing is the physical act that animals perform to take in oxygen rich air and expulse oxygen deficient air. Respiration is the chemical process by which cells break down energy rich molecules (glucose) to get energy to perform cellular functions. Breathing is voluntary while as respiration is involuntary. -the answer may be found in science 7 books

Is cellular respiration an example of a physical change or an chemical change?

its a chemical change

What burns molecules of digested foods in cells?

Metabolism- the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available.

What are the differences between respiration and fermentation?

Respiration: the physical and chemical processes by which an organism supplies its cells and tissues with the oxygen needed for metabolism and relieves them of the carbon dioxide formed in energy-producing reactions. Fermentation: an enzymatically controlled anaerobic breakdown of an energy-rich compound (as a carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and alcohol or to an organic acid). Both definitions were obtained from the Merriam-Webster website.

How does the body get energy for respiration to cells?

Respiration by animals, like all other physical activity, uses energy and therefore requires oxygen. Cellular respiration most commonly also requires oxygen as an oxidizing agent, but there are less common metabolic pathways that do not require oxygen.