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mammals tend to have heat in their bodies more than their surroundings

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Birds and mammals have a bigger biomass.

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Q: Why do mammals lose more heat energy than reptiles?
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When reptiles grow new teeth?

Reptiles grow new teeth throughout their lives. This is extremely common in reptiles like alligators and crocodiles, who frequently lose their teeth.

What features allowed the reptiles to be so successful in dry environment?

Reptiles can thrive in arid environments due to the feature of cold blooded circulation. In warm blooded animals, mostly mammals, there are only two chambers in the heart that mixes and converges the oxygenated blood with the un-oxygenated blood, and that conversion produces heat. Reptiles, amphibians, and birds are cold blooded beings. Which means that there are four chambers in the heart. These four chambers are divided into two sections that separate the the oxygenated blood from the un-oxygenated blood, thus decreasing internal body temperatures and the rate the metabolism correlates with the body. This results in less food or vegetation to be consumed for survival.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of being big?

Larger animals have better defenses and are more intimidating (many are skilled predators). Being big makes the animal harder to hide, and harder to sustain. The ratio of an animal's surface area to its total volume(mass) is high for small animals, but low for large animals such as elephants or whales. This ratio helps large mammals to retain heat which is why in many cold climates there are many larger mammals. In warmer climates mammals have ways to lose this excess heat (elephant ears have high surface area). Smaller animals lose heat at a much higher rate so to compensate they have very high metabolic rates, this is why smaller animals usually have a short life-span (less time to grow). Larger animals live longer (more time to grow) and reproduce at a slower rate so they are more vulnerable to extinction and are less likely to adapt quickly to changing ecosystems.

how do warm blooded animals lose energy?

Warm-blooded animals cannot be too small; otherwise, they will lose heat faster than they can produce it. This energy produced by warm-blooded animals mostly comes from food. Food represents stored chemical energy (potential energy), which is converted into other forms of energy within the body when the food is metabolized.

Why do cats curl up into a ball when cold?

It has to do with volume vs surface area. All things lose heat through the surface. The bigger the surface, the more heat lost. An animal curled into a ball presents the least amount of surface area for its volume, which means it takes the least amount of energy to keep warm.

Related questions

Why do mammals and birds lose a greater percentage of the energy intake to the environment as heat?

warm blooded

How does the rat lose heat?

The way all other mammals do.

What organs keep reptiles warm?

Reptiles can't keep warm all by themselves. They are ectothermic which meens they are cold blooded. That meens that they need the sun or somthing elses heat to keep warm. Whatever their surrounding climates temperature is is what the reptiles temperature is. They will lose energy and may die in the cold.

How do power stations lose energy?

Power stations lose energy through heat generated during electricity generation, resistance in transmission lines, transformer losses, and inefficiencies in converting energy from one form to another. These losses occur due to physical limitations and inefficiencies in the energy conversion processes.

If something is conductor of heat does it lose heat fast or slow-?

A good conductor of heat will transfer heat quickly because it allows heat to flow easily from one point to another. This means that when heat is applied, the conductor will quickly distribute it across its surface, allowing it to lose heat faster compared to a poor conductor.

What happens to the energy you lose?

usually dissipated as heat.

How is heat energy lost from an object?

There are three ways to transfer heat energy (conduction, convection, radiation); any of the three can occur, for an object to lose heat energy.

What would happen to the global winds if no more heat energy reached earth?

We would lose heat and have more energy

What do houses lose heat energy through?

Houses lose heat energy through several common areas such as windows, doors, walls, roof, and floors. Poor insulation, gaps around windows and doors, and lack of weatherstripping contribute to heat loss in a house. It is important to address these areas to improve energy efficiency and reduce heating costs.

When a solid melts does its particles lose its heat energy?

No. They gain.

Do stars radiate heat energy?

Like the Sun, all the stars are radiating heat all the time. They lose the heat (or thermal energy) through radiation.

Does your body gain or lose thermal energy if your body temperature is 37 degrees C and the temperature around is 25 degrees C?

Heat will naturally flow from hotter objects to colder objects. If heat flows OUT OF your body, you will LOSE that heat energy (thermal energy).