

Why do mangoes rot but mangoes pickle do not?

Updated: 10/24/2021
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7y ago

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Mango pickle is preserved due to the vinegar, or the blend of spices and other ingredients used. There are many methods and recipes available.

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Erin Hand

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Q: Why do mangoes rot but mangoes pickle do not?
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Why does mangoes rot but mango pickles do not?

mango pickle contains preservatives like salt and oil . which preserve it from spoiling .

If you put a pickle on the moon would it rot?

no the pickle would not rot because aliens will come out of their sleeping holes in the moon and fight for the pickle... loool

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It would rot.

Will an egg rot if you put it in vinegar?

no it will pickle

How long does take for a pickle to rot?

pickles can rot by not eating them fast enough it takes them about 900 years though so you have a while.....dont worry :D

Can you pickle cucumbers with cucumber beetle damage?

Define "Damage". If the damage is just holes, then YES you can pickle them. If the damage is ROT, then you better not. You could concievably pickle the beetles and larva themselves and end up with a healty nutricious snack. :P

What is a mango pickle high in?

A mango pickle is not only a popular condiment but also a flavorful addition to any meal. It is made by fermenting raw mangoes in a mixture of spices, salt, and oil, resulting in a tangy and spicy relish that complements a variety of dishes. When it comes to the nutritional value of mango pickle, here are the key elements it is high in: Vitamin C: Mango pickle is a rich source of vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system, promoting collagen synthesis, and aiding in iron absorption. Just one serving of mango pickle can provide a significant amount of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C. Antioxidants: Raw mangoes used in pickle preparation are packed with antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic compounds. These antioxidants help protect the body against free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage. Including mango pickle in your diet can contribute to your antioxidant intake.

Plural of mango?

It is mangoes in British English.

Mangoes are sweet change to passive?

Mangoes are sweet when they are tasted.

Is mangoes a word?

No. Mangoes is not a compound word.

Can you preserve cabbage by canning it?

yes you can or you can pickle it . canning anything will help it to not spoil.... because the air has toxins in it that makes your food rot and when your cabbage isn't getting at the air it doesn't spoil.

Why are mangoes called mangoes?

its a Portuguese word Manga.