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Q: Why do mantis' eat other mantis' heads?
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What eat a praying mantis?

Other praying mantis, creobroters, European mantis and Larger brown mantis. also some birds will eat a praying mantis (humming birds and other small birds).

What do mantis srimps eat?

Mantis shrimp mostly eat crustaceans like crabs and other shrimp. They may also eat small fish.

What does a leaf mantis eat?

A leaf mantis eats other bugs as an adult. Usually they eat crickets, flies, spiders, and other insects considered pests by humans.

What can praying mantis do that no other insects can do?

A Praying Mantis bites off their mates head after having sex. And they can turn their heads side to side 180 degrees.

Does a praying mantis eat moths?

Yes. A praying mantis will eat any insect smaller than itself, including other mantises.

What does a 1 centimeter mantis eat?

Very often they eat their siblings when they are that small. Other insects that a mantis of that size can eat would be fruit flies, gnats, aphids, etc. As long as the mantis can handle it's prey, it will eat anything.

What does a praying mantis mostly eat?

Crickets, flightless fruit flies, grape leaf skeletonizer larvae, junebugs, maggots, and any other insect they can get their raptor arms on.

What does a orchid mantis eat?

No. They eat bugs and other small critters.

Does the praying mantis fear hornets?

No. A praying mantis will try to eat anything that is smaller than or the same size as it if it does not eat it first. They are pretty fearless when it comes to other bugs, and if anything, the hornet should fear the mantis.

Do mantis eat snake?

No, a mantis is a carnivore

Can you eat a praying mantis?

No, you can't eat a praying mantis.

Do praying mantis like to eat flies?

Yes, they will eat flies and any other insects that they catch.